NMDP employee takes supporting the mission to a new level



When Steve joined NMDP's workforce nearly two years ago, he was excited to work for a company with a worthwhile mission. Once Steve settled into his role, he realized the measure of his success would be in lives saved.

As a data analyst at NMDP, Steve played an integral role in establishing MatchSource®. This application is the portal through which patients are matched with their marrow donor. Transplant centers throughout the country use MatchSource to enter searching patients into the system, officially initiating their journey to finding a match and receiving a cure. Today, Steve's work focuses on enhancing MatchSource, ultimately matching more patients with a marrow donor.

After realizing his role was saving lives, Steve was inspired to take his support of NMDP beyond his day-to-day contributions as an employee. Just this past year, Steve became a financial donor. He has personally witnessed the devastating impact cancer can have on families. What he appreciates about NMDP is the opportunity marrow transplants give to patients and families—sometimes, it's more precious time together as a family.

But, marrow transplants also provide a lifelong cure, and this is what Steve is passionate about supporting. What compels Steve perhaps the most is NMDP's commitment to delivering equal outcomes for all. He knows that not all patients have equal access to care, insurance or the financial resources to receive their cure. By supporting NMDP, Steve is confident more families will have the resources they need to overcome any barrier that may prevent them from receiving their cure.

After losing his first wife to cancer, Steve established a donor advised fund to facilitate his charitable giving. This allowed Steve to easily manage his giving and really focus on supporting the nonprofit organizations he cares about most, like NMDP. By managing his personal philanthropy through a donor advised fund, Steve has had the opportunity to match some of his contributions and make his personal impact go even further.

We are grateful for Steve's support of NMDP through his dedication as an employee and his investment in our mission through philanthropy.

To learn more about how you can support NMDP in a meaningful way through your estate or donor advised fund, please contact Amy Bigot at (763) 406-8725 | Toll Free: (800) 507-54271 or amy.bigot@nmdp.org.